Project RIS4SEB

Enhancing Research & Innovation Synergies for Schools of Economics and Business


RIS4SEB Kick-off meeting



Business and economics research plays a crucial role in enhancing our comprehension of evolving economic conditions, their impacts and in foreseeing future disasters or crises. Yet, the Business and Economics field is underrepresented in HEU projects, especially regarding participants from widening countries. Meeting the demands of researchers and specialists necessitates enhanced funding, as well as advancements in research and innovation within universities focusing on economics and business. 

In this context, the EU-funded RIS4SEB project aims to collaborate with the Pathways to Synergies initiative. The aim of RIS4SEB is to assist them in charting a course towards participation in Horizon Europe. Hence, the project overall objective is to design and pilot three strategies aiming at enabling and facilitating effective synergies between Horizon Europe and other national / regional funds, by strengthening Internationalization of R&I widening actors, developing Human Resources, and improving Research management capacity and overall competitiveness of the widening partners.

Consortium Partners

Consortium partners



Prague University of Economics and Business

About us

About us

We are a Horizon Europe project set out to strengthen synergies between non-centrally managed programmes and centrally managed programmes. The Pathway to synergies initiative allows us to capitalize on the know-how the partners already created under the non-centrally managed programmes, such as ERDF or Interreg, and to apply this knowledge on research international programmes, such as Horizon Europe, and firmly establish ourselves on the European Research Area map 

The RIS4SEB project began on June 1, 2024, and is scheduled to run for 3 years. By the end, the project will develop policy recommendation to ensure that the gained knowledge is distributed to and openly shared with national Managing Authorities of EU / national and/or regional managing authorities to complete the synergy between the different funding programmes.  


WP 1 Project management and coordination

Objectives: to efficiently coordinate the consortium partners and manage the project implementation to achieve project objectives, to carry out project meetings and provide documentation, to monitor overall WP progress, and to ensure ethics and GDPR compliance.  

WP2 Enhanced internationalization and efficient use of infrastructures

The overall objective of this WP is for the widening partners to improve their integration into the European Research Area. There are three main specific objectives (SO) of WP2: SO1 to create and pilot a joint internationalization strategy for R&I, SO2 to facilitate access to networks and communities, and SO3 to pave the way to overcoming the locked in effect for former mono-beneficiaries funded under ERDF and better use of R&I infrastructure funded under ERDF. 

WP3 Improved HR strategy and development of transferrable skills

Objectives: The overall objective of this WP is to improve HR strategy and upskill research managers. There are two main specific objectives of WP3: SO4 To develop a Human resources strategy and SO5 to train and upskill research managers. 

WP4 Increased competitiveness and reputation

Objectives: the overall objective of this WP is for the widening partners to increase their international competitiveness in the realm of ERA. WP4 specific objectives include SO6 to enhance institutional environment and processes through RM strategy, SO7 to produce policy recommendations for future synergies between research funding programmes, and SO8 to pilot active ability to compete on an international level.  

WP5 Dissemination, communication, and exploitation of results

Objectives: To disseminate the project results among researchers but also communicating the achievements to the public; to develop and continuously update the Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results including communication activities; and to carry out the final project conference, openly sharing the gained knowledge and insight with external widening Economics and Business schools.

The RIS4SEB Consortium is seeking distinguished professionals to join the External Expert Advisory Board (EEAB) for our ongoing Horizon Europe project.

The RIS4SEB project, i.e. Enhancing Research and Innovation Synergies for Schools of Economics and Business, features a consortium focused on developing know-how so that the partners can become firmly established on the European Research Area map. Prague University of Economics and Business leads the consortium and will be responsible for managing the Advisory Board; consortium partners are Kaunas University of Technology´s Faculty of Economics and Business, the Estonian Business School, and SDA Bocconi School of Management at Bocconi University.


What is the role of RIS4SEB’s EEAB?

The EEAB is strategically positioned to wield substantial influence over the project’s trajectory. The EEAB’s primary role extends beyond mere advisory; it directly shapes main outcomes of the RIS4SEB project – the Joint Internationalization Strategy, Human Resources Strategy, and Research Management Strategy as well as policy recommendations on synergies between ERDF / HEU funds. EEAB members are entrusted with reviewing, refining, and endorsing drafts, thereby ensuring that the project’s outputs are not only robust but also integrative and forward-looking.


Roles and Responsibilities of EEAB members:

  • Provide strategic advice and feedback on the Joint Internationalization Strategy, Human Resources Strategy, and Research Management strategy drafts as well as policy recommendations review.
  • Participate in the board meetings, with the final meeting scheduled in Prague (in hybrid format as part of a final project conference) and the preceding meetings online.
  • Engage with the consortium to ensure alignment and effective implementation of strategies.

What you can expect:

  • Participation in a platform to discuss synergies between research programmes.
  • Networking with ERA expert members.
  • Access to unique know-how on university internationalization and on Human Resources and Research management practices.
  • Contact with excellent research groups from 4 economics and business universities.
  • A chance to part-take in follow-up project proposals (still within the scope of RIS4SEB project).
  • And modest compensation for both preparation, active meeting participation, and for traveling to Prague (see below).


Requirements for Nomination:

  • Demonstrable expertise in international research, innovation, project management, national and / or EU research policy experts, or related fields.
  • Proven track record of leadership in management or advisory capacities.
  • Commitment to the project’s timeline and objectives, with availability for all scheduled AB meetings (hybrid attendance possible).


Nomination Process:

Submission: Interested candidates are invited to submit their CV and a brief statement of interest outlining their qualifications and motivation for joining the AB.

Review: Nominations will be evaluated by a selection panel of 8 comprising top management and project representatives from each consortium partner.

Selection: Candidates will be shortlisted based on their expertise and alignment with the project goals, with final selections made through a secret voting process.


Key Dates:

Nomination Open: September 30, 2024

Nomination Close: October 31, 2024

Review and Selection: November 1 – 30, 2024

Announcement of AB Members: early December 2024


The selected candidates will be featured on the RIS4SEB website. Members of the EEAB shall be remunerated for their participation and work done on the board, and in preparation (200 EUR per EEAB meeting). The cost of traveling to Prague for the final in-person / hybrid meeting will be covered by the project. The working language of the group will be English.

Commitment to Diversity: The RIS4SEB project is committed to inclusivity and diversity. We strongly encourage nominations from a diverse range of backgrounds to enrich our project with varied perspectives.

Application Submission: Please submit your nomination materials to, specifying “RIS4SEB AB Nomination” in the subject line.

  • D1.2 Data management plan, due in M6, 
  • D1.3 Ethics & Privacy management plan, due in M6,  
  • D2.1 Joint internationalization strategy for R&I, due in M18,  
  • D2.2 Report on networks analysis, due in M8,  
  • D3.1 Human resources strategy, due in M27,  
  • D3.2 Report on job shadowing and training of researcher managers, due in M27,  
  • D4.1 Report on RM strategy implementation, due in M36,  
  • D4.2 Policy recommendations for synergies among research funding programmes, due in M36,  
  • D5.1 Plan for the dissemination and exploitation of results including communication activities, due in M6,  
  • Reports on our participation in the EARMA conference, and outcomes of the final project conference.  

Get in touch

Aneta Kašlíková
Aneta Kašlíková

Coordinator of Scientific and Research Projects

Jiří Hájek
Jiří Hájek

Head of the Project Office

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